
Refª CL0404
Colar branco com contas de diversos formatos e materiais

5 comentários:

perle disse...

très joli!

maybe disse...

I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^

Natalia (TotkaLove :) disse...
Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.
Natalia (TotkaLove :) disse...

Como é belo. Quer ler a história? Convido você para meu blog. Yours Natalia

Anónimo disse...

EFX’s holographic technology contains algorithms and frequencies that interact positively with this energy field in both humans and animals at the cellular level. When placed near the body, especially at key energy centers such as the hands and feet, EFX bracelet’s products will harmonize with the body’s naturally occurring bioelectric frequencies.